Title is from a good old ‘Love Shop’ song, contrary to that song’s lyrics I do know why I went travelling and I miss Australia, but it is also super nice to be back in the city that I do really love and call home – Copenhagen.
I think I’ve finally beaten the jetlag and watching the sunset today at Lake Peblinge was so good. The Northern autumn light is gorgeous and although it’s not my best shot from the lakes, I simply had to shoot this panorama today when the light was just right for only a few minutes. Click to see large size on my gallery
Now that I’m Wide Awake in Copenhagen again; I have to get back to that plan about making a plan.
One Comment on “Copenhagen Dreaming”
Oh yeah, definately do that. Unplanned planning is such a mess.
Start out with an aeroplan and then elegantly work your way downward…no stalling and no Dash 400 landings :o)