The month of May brought us some incredibly good Spring weather, 347 hours of sunshine (a new record) and temperatures up to 29,5c degrees. I know, a chilly day in the Australian outback but it’s all relative as someone once said.
The month of May brought very few photos though, sunshine from a clear blue sky lends itself well to trips to the beach but not to my style of photography – dramatic and special light! I love Summer but also need some drama light to keep my photography fix going (I’m an addict). Like always, I want everything! My new favourite saying: I want patience and I want it now!
A dramatic change means beach trips are now out and photo trips are in again with everything from rain and hail storms to sunshine thrown into the weather mix presently! Thursday night in Copenhagen some amazing alien looking light and cloudscapes chose to visit us and fortunately I was ready. I shot a series of shots at two locations and this is the first of them, my permanent spot at lake Peblinge on my way home. It’s 10.23pm (sun sets at around 10pm) and a 20 second exposure captures this – click for large size:
Summer Storm in Copenhagen Panorama
Copyright Flemming Bo Jensen Photography
It’s the sort of shot that gets better the bigger it is but I hope you still get a sense of how awe-inspiring the light was. It’s also somewhat otherworldly and I feel like doing a version with a UFO in there and Scully and Mulder in a boat on the lake – the truth is out there! I have more photos to come from this X-Files cloudscape night so maybe the next one will feature an Unidentified Flying Object!
Lightroom 2.0
This shot was developed in the beta version of Adobe Lightroom 2.0. I have recently started to use this as my RAW development tool and I must say I like it a lot and I like it a lot more than Lightroom 1.0. They fixed a lot of the things that annoyed me in 1.0 and added some incredible new features. Adobe purchased the Danish company Pixmantec and their product Rawshooter a short time before 1.0 was released but had no time to incorporate features etc. into Lightroom 1.0. With 2.0 I think the Pixmantec boys have had a lot more inputs and Lightroom 2.0 really feels like a lot more like a mix of the best of Rawshooter and Lightroom to me. I really like it and reckon Lightroom 2.0 will be my new RAW developer of choice. I did almost everything in Lightroom including the vignette effect, I only used Photoshop for sharpening and very little healing and painting with light. I still wish it was faster and more responsive, Rawshooter runs rings around Lightroom in terms of speed!
7 Comments on “Summer Storm in Copenhagen”
Stunning photograph. Great work!
Thanks very much!
With light room are you able to open numerous images at once and then synchronizes them like you can do in Adobe Camera RAW for those who are going to do a panoramic stitch of our images.
Nice shot… when you get a great exposure like this it nice when you don't have to do much in post production other than the basics.
Hi Matt. In Lightroom it's super easy to copy settings from one file to a whole selection of other files – so it's easy to sync settings for pano shots.
What a stunning mood here…
Nice shot mate!
What technique do you use for your vignettes?
I think my Vignette efforts are always pretty average.
Thanks Phil and thanks Dylan!
This vignette was actually done in Lightroom 2.0, has a great vignette tool.
When I create Vignettes in Photoshop I do this:
– duplicate layer
– use lasso or marquee tool to create selection
– add feather of 200-250 pixels
– press backspace to delete selection
– desaturate layer! important, or you'll mess with the colour saturation when you blend the layers
– change layer blend to multiply and lower the opacity to maybe 20-25%
– flatten!
I repeat this a few times with different size selections. Looks better with several than doing just one strong vignette I think.