“The principal joy of human life comes from encounters with new experiences. Hence there is no greater joy than having a new horizon every day”.
The words are Christopher McCandless but are also very Chatwin-esque. I wholeheartedly agree. It is why I love travelling and photographing so much. The promise of a new horizon, new photos, new experiences.
Sands of time has once again run through the hourglass as I bid goodbye to Australia and head for new horizons in Malaysia and Borneo. The downside to these constant new experiences is they also constantly end. It is a rollercoaster of highs and lows. After leaving what quickly felt as a home in Namibia in early May, I now leave what feels like home in Broome, Western Australia. As always feel a little sad having encountered yet another end. But new horizons, new photographs, new experiences await. Would not want it any other way. Rather the highest of highs and lowest of lows than never-ending mediocrity!
In Malaysia and Borneo I am shooting landscapes for United Plantations in and around their palm oil plantations. A visit to see the orangutans are also planned, promises to be rather magical. I do not know if I will have internet access but hope to post a report or two.
I illustrate the Sands of Time with this image from Namibia. A very strong wind is fiercely whipping the sand dunes in the setting sun, creating a magic moment in time on a Wednesday afternoon:
- Camel Man! You must read Rod’s super funny CAKE09 blog post about Camel Man & yours truly. I was planning to write the story as well but Rod’s tells it better than anyone. “Albert” is my CAKE09 nickname, something to do with Albert Namatjira (famous aboriginal artist).
Casey has also posted some great CAKE09 shots on his blog. - Still on CAKE09 expedition, in Karijini we had to one day do a re-fuel and shopping trip to the mining town of Tom Price. Now, in Tom Price they were setting up a large fair with carousels, rides, etc. As Rod and I pay for our food at the Coles Supermarket the Coles Woman says excited “oooooh are you guys from the fair?”. “Ehhhh…what?” I say and laugh. “We look like we’re from a fair?”.
- I spent a day working for Beaches of Broome backpackers (my home in Broome) shooting new photos for their website. With little preparation, no budget, no models, no props, no flash or light of any kind and me, the landscape photographer, the conditions were challenging. Necessity being the mother of all inventions, Michael (staff from Beaches) and I simply hi-jacked 3 backpackers who agreed to model and posed them in rooms, having breakfast, riding scooters, at the bar etc. and I fired away hoping for something useable. Was lots of fun and a few of the photos are even halfway ok. Joe McNally need not worry though! Will let you know when some of our work is online at the Beaches website.
24 Comments on “Sands of Time. Turn the hourglass and next stop Malaysia and Borneo”
man that is stunning!
love it! 🙂
Thanks heaps Stephen, yeah I did get some outstanding shots in Namibia, just wait and see.
love this shot flemming….. do you want someone to come with you to Namibia next time you go ?
Cheers Rod – and you are always welcome to come along, like I said on the phone, we need to get the OUTSTANDING CAKE09 team together again!
Great shot Rod. I grew up near Tom Price and the Pilbara. Newman not far from Karijini. Looking forward to seeing the shots you guys got from there. Make me home sick.
Thanks Matt (I think, if indeed it is my work you are commenting on hehe).
Sorry great shot Flemming 🙂
Heh, thanks very much 😀 We never got to Newman though, but the Pilbara landscapes are some of the best in WA I reckon, can't beat that red dirt, blue sky, green spinifix and white gum trees in white open spaces.
Stunning image Flem !
I know how you feel with the highs and lows of travelling and adventure but it's the lure of the next adventure that keeps driving us isn't it.
Thanks Tony and yes indeed it is, promise of new adventures!
Awesome mate! Truly amazing! My favourite shot of yours!
You should run a rigged competition that entitles me to a copy of this image!!! 😉
Thanks heaps Dylan, it is just one of many hero shots from Namibia! Rigged competition, hmmm 🙂
Good heavens Flemming: that is an absolute stunner of an image. Just superb! (picks jaw back up off the floor…)
Thanks so much Steve, keep your jaw on the floor for when I post more stuff from Namibia, it is an out of this world landscape location!!!!!!
but really you all need to start visiting my blog again cause no one does any more and see my amazing, flemming beating, stunning work! 😉
cha ching
yeah sorry mate, haven't commented much on yours lately, will get back in the game, you won't beat my sand dunes with your cars though 😀
he's not sorry Albert…… hes just saying that ! ! LOL
You organise the trip and Ill do my best to make it, from what I have seen of your images, it looks like an amazing place…..
Cya in Denmark soon mate huh
Look mate, your Kenny D remember, no way my work could be mistaken for yours 😀
Classy shot. The dune really stands out against the dark background. Beautiful lighting.
Thanks very much Luke, it was a special afternoon and I was lucky to get these conditions.
I agree with Luke that's one classy shot….wish it was mine!!!
Your avatar , that's not really you is it. he he he (:
Thanks very much Merv, glad you like it so much !
love it Flemming, very timeless image.
Thanks Christian, Timeless Sand indeed!