Waves of Wyadup

No words today. Not at all in the mood. But an image of a fantastic afternoon at Wyadup Rocks, Western Australia.

Me and my friend arrived here late afternoon and was immediately almost spellbound by the magical conditions. Strong wind and huge waves beating the turquoise water against the Wyadup rocks. And we were the only ones there Magic. Later we walked down to the beach and was rewarded with a spectacular sunset, more images to follow. This is a 3 horizontal image stitch, does not even come close to the real thing but I still think it is a nice image in itself:

Blog - Wyadup Rocks Pano copy

17 Comments on “Waves of Wyadup”

    1. cheers Casey, yeah I got some really good coastal shots in the South West and am becoming somewhat better at manually stitching waves and water in Photoshop – that part is still so boring though! (get yourself a 617 I bet would be your answer hehe)

  1. Really well done with the stitch. I can't spot any joins and it looks like the water was pretty rough out there. Nice colours, composition and overall photo 🙂

    1. Cheers Beau! I let PTgui do the hard work then export as "final image and layers" to a PSD file. Then in PS I can just use the masks to blend the waves the way I want them from the individual layers. Works a treat!

  2. Hi Flemming,

    I'm glad you experienced the same kind of magic that I feel each time I go to Wyadup. There is certainly something special about it and you've captured it very well in this photo.


  3. Gotta love that water Flem ! It's good to see a somewhat different perspective from this place.

    happy travels 🙂

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