Buddhist monks Thun and Purt meditating in Angkor Wat, Cambodia:
I shall be doing this too for a little while; recharging. You will not see me much online save for the occasional image on my blog as I work on Cambodia images.
PS. Thanks to everyone on True North for a great Australia Day. Special thanks to Mark, Christian, Mike, Rod, Ben, Tony, Nick, Brad, Nitti. And my deepest thanks to Mark and Lee-Anne for everything.
My guide in Cambodia was Nathan Horton – looking for a great photographer to guide you in Cambodia, Nathan Horton Photography comes highly recommended.
12 Comments on “Breathe”
Powerful image Flemming, it's up there with your best portraiture and travel work for sure mate. I dig the image and my eye travels wonderfully from the front monk, along the ancient wall. If anything at all I'd perhaps like to see a touch more light/vibrance on the monk at the rear where my ends up.
top stuff mate !
Thank you very much Tony. Sorry I haven't commented much on your blog lately, I am trying offline life for a bit…and you're posting more than Mark (almost) 🙂
Like it a lot Flemming!
Hey Flem
Great to see you on TN
This image depicts the hidden treasure that Cambodia really is
My favorite of yours for sure
Cheers Adrian
Thank you Adrian, very nice to meet you on True North.
Yep..I raet it as well mate…as I just told you in the living room!
Great stuff Flemming.
Great image Flemming, love the tone of it and the sense of peace it inspires.
Everything is right about this photo. Composition, light, context, feeling. Wonderful.
Thanks very much Charlene, I love it too.
Hi Flemming,
I can just feel the serenity in this shot. How privileged you must have felt to share this moment with the monks.
I didn't know what to say when I first saw the image, so planned on coming back but then time got away from me haha. Still no idea what to say about it except I love it. The de-saturated feel with the monks orange robes is fantastic!