Charlene Winfred, a dear friend of mine, has a great long running photo series on Nightwalking featuring some awesome images of Perth at night. Long have I promised her to do a similar shoot in Copenhagen. Long have I had plans to wake up at 2am in Summer and go night walking – at Summer darkness does not win over light until around midnight. That never happened, so instead I spent two freezing evenings in October roaming the city and I have finally captured a few images of Copenhagen by Night – read on.
Copenhagen by Night
The first walk was on the annual “Night of Culture” (awful name) event in Copenhagen—meaning the city was lit up like on no other night, and thousands of people take to the streets to partake in events and visit museums, castles, all places stay open till midnight.
Having attempted nightwalking photography in Copenhagen, I am even more in awe of Charlene’s work. It would take many walks in Copenhagen at night before I had a series I would be truly happy with. Charlene has a great eye for details in her night shoots, something I do not. I tend to look for the big picture and several of these images tell too much of the story, does not leave enough for the imagination. Actually, mostly I was looking for a way to get indoors again, quick, before my fingers froze.
Night walking and shooting is interesting, I am now bringing the camera on all future night walks.
21 Comments on “Copenhagen Nightwalking”
Some cool shots in there all the same there Flembotaruny! 🙂
Thanks Mark, glad you like some of them! I like the ending shot of the tunnel and the sidewalk leading to the little green UFO like house (which actually houses stairways to a tunnel leading to the train tracks)
I did some nightwalking this summer in Copenhagen. I still haven’t processed most of the photos yet, but here are a couple:
That is a couple of nice ones. “Søtorvet” looks quite nice when the lake is calm enough for a mirror reflection.
Great start to the night walking Flemming. Copenhagen looks like a beautiful city. Keep going with it, as they say practice makes perfect.
Charlene’s work is amazing isn’t it? I know what your saying about looking at the whole picture because I tend to do the same thing, Charlene just has this thing and it’s really cool but hard to describe.
Hi Andrea and thanks, hope you are going well. I will be practicing night walking in Argentina soon, my images may be equally dull but my fingers will freeze slightly less.
Great to see the place after dark Flembot ! 🙂
Cheers Tony !
Hey Flemming, some great shots here. It’s all about pushing the boundary’s eh! Looks like an exciting city to explore.
Hello Sam, thanks. Copenhagen is my favourite city in the world, it just appears I am haunted by memories here and it’s too bloody cold most of the time 🙂
Wow, Copenhagen couldn’t be more different from Perth at night. Granted, despite all my years here, I’ve never experienced Perth on festival or city-wide event nights, given there are lots of, you know, people… scary! 😉
I particularly love this: and this They evoke something lonesome and intimate, solid and fragile at the same time.
We so have to go nightwalking in the city here, whenever you get here. It will be good to have some company and not jump at my own shadows 🙂
Thanks my friend, I like those two as well. Yes we shall definitely do some nightwalking in the strange dark desolate scary Perth!
I would seriously advise against that after Midnight in Northbridge Bomont! 🙂
Oh too true Charlene!
Perth is one of the scariest places around these days especially North Bridge after midnight!
I cannot believe we have allowed things to get to this!
I don’t see any help for it… we seem to have a lot more men in the city than there ever has been (something to do with the resources boom?). In the winter, when I do the bulk of my nightwalking, I got unnnerved at inebriated men wandering around in groups in the city. Even at rush hour on a working day, I’d get pretty freaked walking the kilometre or so to the bus station.
I gotta say though, I think I’m a bit unnerved by all the media attention given to home invasions etc and it isn’t helping my paranoia. I live in what the West dubs the Crime Capital of WA and robberies/murders have been frequent around my home lately.
The resources boom..multiculturalism…the youth’s insatiable appetite for copious quantities of both alcohol and alcohol fueled fights…the gap between the haves and the have nots increasing at a huge rate of knots and of course there are the drug fueled have a crack at anyone side of things!
Get yourself some pepper spray girl! And make it a few cans at at that! 🙂
Copenhagen is many times more multi-cultural than Perth and Copenhagen is much, much safer at night. Multiculturalism is a great thing, a very positive thing–once Perth learns to see it in this light and enjoy multi-culturalism, that will help. And yes, a few less bogans on the binge would help tremendously as well!
Might need to do just that. Or practice running at light speed!
Nope, we’re not wandering Northbridge. Maybe start with Freo and graduate to Perth? 😀
You know what I’d like to do though, nightwalk the rural towns in Australia. That would be an awesome, awesome project.
That could be fun Charlene!
Will start with organising a nightwalk when our Danish VIP arrives 😉 Keep you posted!
What you don’t have there but Bomont is the Asian gangs roaming around looking to floor anyone they can!
They walk around the city with sabres, Knungchuckers and any blades they can lay their hands on! Show me a city anywhere else that has that to deal with!
I am happy to walk just about anywhere else I have been at night apart from maybe “Trinidad’ but I for sure wouldn’t walk Perth streets in Northrbridge after midnight!