Like most photographers, I have a bag fetish. The quest for the perfect camera bag keeps photographers busy and bag manufacturers happy! Most photographers have way more bags lying around than they want to admit. We’re suckers for bags for our gear. I have my fair share of bags but my quest is over. I have actually found my perfect bag. My preciousssss. It was waiting for me in Montana of all places.
I had been looking for a super light weight and small shoulder bag for my Fuji gear. I usually carry one camera and 2 lenses, headphones, wallet and my journal, so a small bag is all I need. And ever since having a neck problem in August 2014, I am super careful about my neck, shoulders and back. All of my current shoulderbags were just too heavy. I had been using a very small backpack for a while, which is good for my back and neck, but very impractical for shooting and trying to get gear in and out of a backpack.
One afternoon in October 2014, Charlene wandered around the lovely city of Missoula, Montana. We spotted a camera shop in a basement and went in. They had a small table with used gear and I immediately eyed this vintage funky bag. The brand of the bag is called Coastar and apparently the bag is from the 80s. But it looks just like a 70s Pan Am aircrew carry-on bag – the ultimate in hipster cool camera bags! The bag was incredibly light weight. It had 3 compartments, just the right size for my stuff. The compartments were coloured blue inside, making it easy to see and find small items. It was worn with a perfect hipster look. And it had a$5 price tag – yes, five dollars. The perfect price for a on-10-dollar-a-day budget gypsy!
This bag is awesome and I mean it. It really is my favourite of any camera bag I have used. Then Charlene drew my name and a lizard similar to my tattoo on it, making it perfect. It is now an essential part of my outfit.
The Five Dollar Bag, The One Bag to rule them all!

On the very night I bought The Five Dollar Bag I am causally diva posing with the full outfit on, in front of a motel in Missoula, Montana. Image by Charlene Winfred
4 Comments on “The Five Dollar Camera Bag”
Ready for action there little buddy!
Nice find mate!
Thanks buddy, yes can’t beat a five dollar bag !
You could start a resurgence in 80’s camera bag trends! 😀
It would appear so 😀