Truth or Consequences main street in the dusk light is not busy but really awesome to shoot. Feels like walking around an empty movie set at times.
Truth or Consequences. Yes, that is actually the name of the town. Formerly known as Hot Springs, you can read here how the town became Truth or Consequences – or TorC as it is often referred to.
I drove through TorC back in 2009 on a road trip, but the first time I stayed there and got a taste of just how weird and wonderful the town is, was on the first Mad and Magic Road Trip back in 2012 with Charlene. In 2013, on our next road trip we were drawn back to TorC three times in the space of a month. A fair bit of Charlene’s movie Beyond is filmed there. And in 2014 we stayed 4 nights and I got my first tattoo – from Geronimo!
TorC remains my favourite small town in the South West and I was thrilled when we returned in November 2016. We had just planned to stay one night, but of course, the magic of TorC lured us back in and we ended up staying 4 nights during Thanksgiving weekend.
I have so many fantastic memories from TorC. First and foremost, our friend Hans and his wonderful Desert View motel (highly recommended and the cover picture on our company site Coffee and Magic is made in the Desert view Inn!). The Passion Pie cafe and the breakfast waffles. Visiting the many small shops and meeting the business owners, special mention must go to the Xochi’s book store. Experiencing and shooting a High School Rodeo. The otherworldly Elephant Butte State Park. Spaceport America. Wandering the streets in the afternoon making pictures, is a never ending source of joy. And best of all, meeting some of the people that call TorC their home and learning their stories. TorC is a collection of characters and stories of people who somehow ended up here, and never left. One day, it could happen! This is the intangibles, what really makes TorC special. I am not sure how to describe it, except that I am drawn back over and over. I have no idea when we will be able to return, but I dream of it every day. Until then, take care my TorC friends, see you soon I hope.
PS. There is something in the water
But…Ok I have to admit it. We have been to TorC a lot of times now and … we actually have yet to sample the hot springs, which are world class. It is slightly embarrassing now actually, so next time, really, we must try them.
Truth or Consequences Gallery
The following is an eclectic mix of my pictures taken in or around Truth or Consequences during many visits from 2012-2016. I really cannot wait to return and continue this story.

This sign just coming into town off the interstate is now very much a celebration for us – we are here again!

Meet the amazing Hans, owner of Desert View Inn, president of the Chamber of Commerce AND he can play and yodel a damn fine tune as well! We love every time we get to visit Hans and stay at his great motel.

I loved this high school rodeo, everyone was super friendly and we were allowed to shoot and film all we wanted.

Meet Mo from Mo’s Tattoo! He is kick-ass awesome, related to Geronimo, once found a mammoth skeleton (true story!) AND gave me my first tattoo!