Nomad Life – launch of mini-site

7 years. 110 stories. 18 countries

“On 23rd of November 2009 I boarded a plane in Copenhagen bound for Bangkok…you won’t believe what happened next!”

How is that for a bit of click-bait! I am really happy to launch my new Nomad Life mini-site. It is a curated collection of 110 blog posts from more than 7 years on the road. I have been wanting to make a curated archive for a long time and finally got started this year. It took me 3-4 months to go through 500+ blog posts covering more than 7 years and select my favourites, going somewhat mad in the process! My goal was to get this launched before my blog has a 10 year anniversary in June 2017 and I made it! I have no brain left after having to go through my own blog and inept writing for months, but I am so thrilled to launch this!

Not every country I have been to is represented, far from it. This is just a collection of my favourite stories from the road, not a complete archive. There are many countries such as Chile I never really wrote about because I was only there for a brief time. Also, the idiot here, yours truly, at some point canceled his subscription and then later remembered that almost all blog posts from 2007-2010 linked all images to my pbase account. DOH. So there are some stories missing as the blog posts from that area are without images for now. Mega face plant!

Still, there are loads of stories to dive into should you feel like a peak into my Nomad Life. I hope you will find something interesting, inspiring, weird, stupid and entertaining – enjoy!

Click to enter NOMAD LIFE mini-site.

PS. Like my life, the page is a work in progress mess so let me know if some stuff does not work and I plan to add more stuff along the way as well.

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