Postcards from New Zealand

We are in New Zealand. A place I have wanted to visit for so long but has always felt far away for some reason. Well it is far away from Copenhagen, but being in Singapore you are half way there. I still wander around slightly awed by the fact that I am in New Zealand. Somehow, in my childhood, I always thought of it as the end of the Earth or the beginning depending on your position on the globe.

It is absolutely beautiful here. And there is space. Room to breathe. To be together, just the two of us, one of the rare few times this has been possible in this entire year. And the black sand beaches have me spellbound. We are about 10 days into our trip, but we are starting off slowly. Because we have no rush. After an entire year of no place to ourselves, simply being on the road and having freedom and privacy is magic. And then there are black sand beaches! Here are just a few postcards from the first few slow days, finding my (Hobbit) feet. More to come.

On the first night, we walked 5 minutes from our airbnb flat in Northcote and found this viewpoint.

Northcote, in the rain.

Auckland in the epic light, from North head (yet another extinct volcano).

I think we both end up with a lot of these shots!

Black sand, Piha Beach.

Yup, end up with a lot of these shots! The magic one on Te Henga beach.

Muriwai Beach has this incredible gannet colony and it is one of the more amazing things I have seen.

This gannet nearly flew into Charlene. Somehow ten-thumbs here managed a picture of it!


Freedom the postcard edition!

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