Being back on a big festival stage with my favourite Danish band The Minds of 99 was absolutely awesome! Their 2023 festival tour has a completely new light and stage setup (and setlist of course) making it a really fun and new challenge. Even though I have documented Minds for 7 years now, every setup and every gig is different, giving me new angles and taking away other angles and sometimes it is a bit like solving a puzzle; finding new ‘lanes’ to shoot through, new places to stand. This is what makes it so much fun and a creative challenge every time. I had a total blast on this gig and I really like the photos I made, probably also because they all feel very new to me as I have never shot this setup before. I felt the setup really lent itself well to cinematic panoramic compositions and since the setup is also much smaller, and mostly the same level, it is a lot easier to get shots of those lovely little moments of interactions and emotions between band members, something I really love to capture. I really just tried to make ‘still frames from a movie’ and not think too much about it, I mean I had a setlist and a plan but also the plan should never dictate everything, I always have to remember to leave lots of room for improvisation and going with the flow, the emotions and intuition.
Thank you so much to band, crew, management and all the fans – see you soon!
Click here to view all my The Minds Of 99 photo essays
THE MINDS OF 99 – Tinderbox festival 22nd June 2023 – 10.45pm

6 Comments on “The Minds of 99 – Tinderbox festival 2023”
Så flotte filmisk billeder.
Tusind tak Camilla!
Mega fede billeder. The Minds of 99 er Danmarks fedeste band. Oplevelse dem for fjerde gang i år. Først til Zulu Awards 2016, anden gang i Tivoli i 2019, tredje gang i Parken i 2021 og igen i år til Løkken Koncert.
Tusind tak Kristian og du er da igang med en god Minds live stime, bare fortsæt for ja, de er DKs bedste 🙂
Billedet med Mikkel og koen er fra en anden verden
Tusind tak Mille, ja det er så skørt og fedt 🙂