I presently have a designer working on the whole front page and logo design etc. of my web, while I’m working on the structure, layout and styling of the gallery and image pages (I certainly got better at html and css this past month) – and I’m selling some photos at the same time, hey things are good.
This week I have been working hard on finalizing the structure, layout and design of the Australia section of my gallery, and I am now ready to present what is one of the largest – and best of course! – Australia galleries on the entire web (click the thumbnail) :
The Australia Galleries of Flemming Bo Jensen Photography:
Some of the work done on my Australia gallery includes:
- House cleaning, deleted a lot of old photos. Gone are the holiday snapshots, only the strong survive so to speak.
- New structure based on places and themes. I have so many photos from Australia I had to invent a big structure to present the photos in smaller galleries hopefully making it easier to browse and navigate and find what you like.
- New gallery header image, gallery description on every single gallery.
- “Best of Australia” gallery showing a small selection of the very best of my Australia photos. Still a bit work-in-progress, I almost need someone else to do this. They’re my beloved Australia photos and deeply connected to the experiences of shooting them so I have a hard time selecting “the best”. All the photos in the “Best of” are not half bad though.
- Panoramas of Australia gallery showcasing my Australia panoramas. As some of you readers will know I love the panorama format (anything at 2:1 or wider) and this is a special gallery using large thumbnails to better present these wide shots.
- Map of Australia gallery showing you all of the galleries placed geographically on a large clickable map of Australia. You can click the thumbnails on the map to visit the gallery.
- Animals of Australia gallery. That is still very much work in progress though, I have so many photos that still need to be developed from RAW and added here.
There are still many photos from my recent trip to be added, you can keep up to date by checking my What’s New gallery every day.
Like the Australian Tourism ad says: Where the bloody hell are ya? Go take a tour down under in my Australia gallery!
Let me know what you think of the new Australia galleries. My Copenhagen gallery will get the same treatment soon I think.
(…oh and alright then, ok, there are possibly, just maybe, much larger Australia galleries online in the galaxy somewhere – but I needed a catchy headline!)
2 Comments on “The largest Australia gallery in the galaxy is online”
Kære Flemming
Med dine kreative evner kan du da selv bygge dit site – men OK, det tager en masse tid.
"I wish I could make a living travelling and photographing the world as long as I didn’t have to travel somewhere cold." Cite FBJ – Du kommer da til at leve af det gamle dreng 8)
Kære Hanne,
Takker – jeg kan bygge den smule børnehave hmtl og css der skal til, og gør det også, men jeg kan ikke designe layout af forside og firmaets logo så jeg på nogen måde selv er tilfreds. Som til alt andet, så skal der fagfolk til! Så kan jeg selv justere når en grafiker har lavet de store streger 🙂