I am presently (with great help from my editor Charlene Winfred) putting the finishing touches on my upcoming photo book, something I am very excited about. The 138 page book has been carefully edited, sequenced and written and features 4 stories from Asia, essays and more than 60 images, from Papua New Guinea, Laos and Cambodia. The book will be 25×20 cm in size and printed on gorgeous professional Mohawk heavy fine art paper. To the right is a sneak preview from the layout in Indesign.
The book will be available via Blurb.com and available to order in 2-3 weeks. I am considering selling a batch of limited edition signed copies and would like to hear if there’s interest in this. The price for the limited edition signed hardcover version will be roughly 500 DKR (100 USD or AUD) plus shipping. Comment here or email me if you are interested, this is a non binding agreement of course, I just want to hear how many are interested.
UPDATE: At least 10 people have expressed interest in a signed copy, so it will definitely happen. If you are interested leave a comment here or email me.
6 Comments on “Limited edition of my upcoming photo book”
Hej Flemming.
Det lyder som en super ide med en bog der samler nogle af dine fantastiske billeder. Jeg har fulgt lidt med på sidelinien og set nogle af dine beretninger og flotte billeder. Jeg vil gerne stille mig i køen til en bog 🙂
Håber eller at alt er vel, men det ser ud til at du får levet din drøm ud med rejser omkring i verden.
Glæder mig til at se din bog.
Mvh Jimmy
Hej Jimmy, det er super, tak for kommentar og jeg skriver dig på listen over signeret udgave med guldtryk til kun 1 million, det er et samlerobjekt! 🙂
Go get em son!
I am sure the book will be a work of art coming from such a talented individual as yourself! 🙂
Thank you buddy. The proof copy has now been ordered and I am anxiously awaiting it’s arrival.
How much does the book cost and can it be sent to Cumbaya, Quito, Ecuador? Brian
I have sent you an email about the book Brian, hope you received it.