Asia Stories book release

Asia Stories

I am proud to present my book Asia Stories featuring stories from Papua New Guinea, Laos and Cambodia. The images in this book contain some of the stories that have affected me deeply during the first two years of my life on the road. The experiences I gathered, people I met, places I visited, and lessons I learnt, changed me almost completely. Little exists of the person I was before. The books is 138 pages, hardcover with dust jacket and printed on gorgeous thick Mohawk uncoated cotton paper with a lovely textured art feel to it. Watch a video about the book:

Asia Stories is for sale via, you order the book directly on the Blurb website and the book is shipped to you.

I also presently have 25 signed copies for sale directly from me, presently I have about 8 or 9 left so contact me quickly if you are interested. The price for the signed book is 500 DKR – 70 EUROS, 100 AUD/USD + postage.

Here is a preview of the entire book:

The book was a collaborative effort between me and my editor and friend Charlene Winfred and is the result of 3-4 months of work. Charlene tirelessly edited, sequenced and curated my images and words, nursing the stories into something special and improving my book to no end. Thank you so much Charlene, and I highly recommend Charlene Winfred if you need an editor – or a damn good photographer!

I hope this has piqued your interest in Asia Stories. Any questions regarding the book, do please contact me.


33 Comments on “Asia Stories book release”

  1. Congratulations Flemming and well done. Huge effort to put something together like this and a lot of hair tearing moments i’m sure.
    i wish you success with it.

  2. that New Guinea island shot from above is maybe the most incredible island shot I’ve ever seen. I just showed it three people who have been in photography for decades and the response was, “Holy S%^$.”

    1. Thanks Dan, the entire area around Rabaul with the volcanoes could justify weeks of exploration. Let’s do a workshop there, I have a friend who has the perfect boat and helicopter 🙂

  3. Yyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    There’s a more dignified comment in my head somewhere I’m sure, but it’s lost 😀


    1. Cheers Tim, thanks much mate. I hope I sell some too but for me the most important thing is publishing a book, putting something out there from my first two years on the road. And in no small part thanks to Charlene’s help I ended up with a book I am actually really happy with (being a perfectionist, of course there are plenty things to improve next time).

  4. Well done Flembot and Charlene…a huge effort for sure! I have been away down south all weekend getting flogged by monster waves, so this was the first time I got a chance to view it!

    Seriously well done and I concur with the island shot with the volcano in the background…crackalacka mate!

    1. “been away down south all weekend getting flogged by monster waves”

      I’m starting to think it’s a wonder a True North trip doesn’t include an extreme adventure component… 😉

      We learnt a lot of lessons working together on this book, and I’m idly thinking about how we can do the next one better… the one Flemming hasn’t shot any pictures for yet. Don’t tell him I said so though, i think he might run away from the fright 😀

      1. There’s a lot of adventures to be had on True North, some of them quite extreme, from volcano exploring to drag queens on party night!

        No fear! 🙂 Not running anywhere my friend, America Del Sur is coming and you shall edit that book too and we shall once again produce a masterpiece 🙂 And yes, learnt so much, and the book in print then gives me many more ideas.

    2. Thanks so much my friend! Really appreciate it. That island and volcano shot is also one of the few of my heli shots that does not feature Christian’s knee! (dude you’re in my shot!)

      …and I’m sure you were the one flogging the waves 🙂

      1. He he, very funny mate!

        I am afraid that it was pretty full on down south in the water and I reckon I came out me 4, Bears 6…floggin’s that is and even worse off at Left Handers.

        I have been back on the fitness campaign to rectify that situation….totally not fit enough at the moment!

  5. He he Charlene…there is a number of adventure components available on True North if you look for them!

    Very funny as well about the Flembot running away! You guys make a great team!

    1. “Adventure components” indeed, snorkeling, swimming, fishing, helicopter rides, volcano exploring, fishing, wild Kimberley river rafting, getting caught by the tide and oh I want to go back! Also, 6 pancakes for breakfast was quite extreme.

      1. 6 pancakes and drag comp sound do sound pretty extreme. I take my comment back… clearly there is much high action sport happening on a True North adventure!

          1. Ah yes, I forgot all about the Christian-dropping-Phase-One episode.

            I can totally see how that would evoke dramatic emotional storms, turbulent outlook and aftershocks for all involved. I remember reading one of your blog posts at the time and thinking “note to self, do not buy very very very very expensive camera”


            1. One of the first days on True North in the Kimberley my Canon just went berzerk. Acted totally strange, didn’t work at all. Got slightly nervous until I realised I had just dunked the cable release in the ocean and shorting it out, the cable release was making the camera’s firmware go crazy. Once I removed the cable release, camera worked fine again – and my buddy Mark lent me his intervalometer so I actually ended up shooting some timelapse so actually it was kind of fortunate that I killed my own cable release.

  6. Well Done Flemming. Your work in this book looks amazing. Keep inspired and adventuring and I hope to see you soon. All the best. Dan

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