America Del Sur — Home project

america del sur - home project

Presently I am in South America, working on my HOME project. Capturing the people and their environments and living conditions, attempting to show how there’s much more than unites than divides us–no matter where we live.

I spent a few days in Buenos Aires, which, like any big city, I did not like much, the La Boca suburb (not the touristy part) was interesting though and I met some great people at the splendid Ada & Valentyn’s B&B. Also, I finally got to meetup with longtime acquaintance, the rather awesome, Daniel Fox. Now, I am in Salta in the North West. Surrounded by mountains, with a dry 34 degrees heat, underneath a dusty blue sky this desert like town and the surrounds are very interesting and promises good opportunities for my documentary HOME project. I may end up staying here for quite a while. Certainly, moving again has little appeal, until I am meeting Adam Weintraub and Daniel Milnor in Peru in mid December.

america del sur - tango practice

america del sur - salta backstreet

Travel, especially the moving part of it, I have now overdone to the point of causing an allergic reaction in my mind when I think about moving, not having a home. Waking up, not knowing where I am. I must be rather thick as here I am, one very last endeavour. I look forward to settling down when I am home again, a home, a job, a life. Had to go around the world three times to figure out where home was, who I was–and am–and want to be and that I am going to be ok. Like I said, rather thick!

It is a relief to relieve myself of the pressure of producing and constantly publish single-image photos for now and just work on my own long term project. I am presently very much into documentary style story-based work, learning this as I go by shooting an awful lot of ordinary images but the process itself is as important as the result. Work like there’s no audience. Therefore I will not be posting much either, this is slow journalism and a long term project for upcoming books and magazines.

Till that day, be well.

15 Comments on “America Del Sur — Home project”

  1. Flemming, this is just wonderful. The photographs just pull me right in to the environment and make me want to know more about the people involved, the places they live, their activities; they make me want to know the people. I just love that you are undertaking this project and that you are doing it with thoughtfulness, mindfulness, and patience. I really look forward to its growth and development. Oh, and I am completely envious that you are undertaking that workshop with Daniel and Adam!

    As for “thick”, I dunno. Some people don’t recognize how big a deal it is to commit to one place, one job, one community. Being really certain before doing so is wise, in my opinion. It would do many people well to travel the world a few times before being ready to do so, or else that commitment can feel like a prison.

    My best to you in your travels and explorations. I look forward (with patience) to your future posts and publications.

    1. Thank you so much Brian, for that great comment. As for “thick”, yes, it’s meant tongue in cheek 🙂 Have to arrive at a decision like this, cannot be forced. Travels are much easier to enjoy when it’s not for infinity, but a decision has been made.

  2. Salta looks like something out of my imagination, a film from a generation past. I’d swap spaces with you in a heartbeat (says the toad in the well to the rolling stone), but I’ve never experienced anything like it, so I find it all intensely, wistfully fascinating. The process you are undergoing, to someone like me, is incredible. That’s living with conviction. Daniel-Fox-esque, almost 🙂

    “Work like there’s no audience.”

    The best kind of work there is.

    Be well my friend. Looking very much forward to seeing you again.

    1. Salta is touristy in parts, the center plaza is very touristy. But just a few blocks away and it looks like a fascinating run-down movie-set from something out of a Sergio Leone film, will email a few photos. And thanks 🙂 Very much looking forward to seeing you again as well.

  3. Nothing about being thick, those travels have enriched your life to the max. You said you have now found where home is. Some people never find it, so you are one of the lucky ones. So safe travels till you get home.

  4. I got a hint of this feeling from you the other day on Twitter, but I didn’t realise that this you had reached this decision.

    Travelling is wonderful, but it is a tough thing to do indefinitely. And the fact that it has shown you where you feel you really belong is just wonderful. I still haven’t found that place myself – but I’m slowly realising that the urges and feelings of wanderlust are much more about what is going on in our heads, than the actual physical place we happen to be.

    I like the sound of the approach you’re taking on this particular project. Enjoy it and savour it, and when you’re ready to share, I look forward to seeing the results!

    1. Thanks Cathy. The decision snuck up on me the very last night in Copenhagen, as I heard myself telling a friend what I actually really mostly wanted deep down for my future…I heard that I had subconsciously made a decision.

  5. Kære Flemming
    Nogen gange må man rejse langt for at finde hjem. Sikken en ydre og indre rejse du har været på de seneste år. Fra de perfekte, åbne landskaber til de undertonede billeder af mennesker i hverdagssituationer, og assymetriske gadebilleder. Fra den evige, frie nomade til en almindelig hjemstavnsbunden rejsende. Du bliver skarpere og skarpere og dine skriverier mere og mere vedkommende. Så venter vi alle gerne lidt længere.
    PS. Jeg tager det på dansk denne gang, så jeg ikke kommer til at sætte dine billeder i fængsel eller hvad det nu blev til sidst 🙂

    1. Kære Gert, dansk er cool. Tak for kommentaren, sætter jeg stor pris på. Ja, noget af en rejse, og online historierne dækker kun toppen af isbjerget. Forresten interessant, om mit øje for hverdagssituationer ændrer sig når jeg ikke længere er en “outsider” til disse situationer…

  6. Great story Flembot and great images as always!

    So, I didn’t quite get where home is in your mind these days…is home home…or down under back our way?

    We are all looking fwd to your return in the new year and Polaris awaits you buddy! She is moving to a new pen tonight…just across the way to A jetty, so a bit closer in. A 92 to be exact!

    When do you expect to be back here mate?

    1. Thank you Mark. I never did quite write in so many words what home is. It is Copenhagen. I will always treasure my many friends and my other home down under and visit as often as possible! I am so looking forward to returning as well. Just moving some flights around today, will hopefully be there mid-January. Precise dates as soon as I know. More Epicness Inc. adventures soon, buddy 🙂

      (and A92, got it, will be a happy reunion with my other home, Polaris!)

  7. Hey Flembo, nice to read such inspiring stories with great images also. Glad to hear your on the road again and exploring

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