
Changes. I feel my blog has become stale over the past months and a change is needed. I no longer wish to feature any sort of boring self-promotion (I am sick of self-promotion) nor much in the way of technical posts (there are other sites excelling in that). And my latest images can always be viewed in my Recent Works gallery.

I want to tell personal stories about me and my present life as a nomad photographer. I always struggle with the idea why anyone would be interested in my life and thoughts, but then again when you read my blog I want the words and images to mean something. These personal stories I also very much enjoy writing, but I have to be in the right (not self-punishing) mood. It is no secret I have and still struggle mightily in getting my groove back after being sick for weeks.

Ch-ch-ch-changes. I will now post less frequently but strive for content with some meaning and quality in personal stories. I hope that will interest you. Next post will be about the concept of ‘Home’, what it means to me, featuring images of people and their homes from my travels.


6 Comments on “Changes”

  1. The first thing that popped into my mind after reading this was “onya maaate”

    Which is completely inappropriate given you’re simply making a choice between one and another, and not “giving ‘er a bash” or doing the right thing or whatever other action that calls for that sort of response. I heard some bloke say that to another at the grubby bottle-o down the road in super flash larrikin style and it’s been stuck, sadly, in my head ever since.

    But i digress… as usual 😉

    What i said about you leaving landscapes behind is applicable to the self promotion and technical posts. You’re a photographer – self promotion is how you get your work out there, and technical posts are part and parcel of the work. They all have their audiences. It’s a matter of striking a balance between these (filler topics, if you like, since I know you probably write the technical ones in your sleep) and the purpose of your blog, if i had to have a stab, might be your artistic, physical and philosophical journeys through life.

    You need a break dude, everyone does. The harder you run, the more frequently you have to recharge – i read that in the *gasp* local paper in an article about overwork, and it’s true, especially when your work comes not from what the corporate world values as skill, but a deeper place that takes more out of you to pull out.

    Don’t ask me when I started going all pseudo Zen… i think it was around the time I went into overdrive with the editing obsession. Since no one is around to ask me questions I’ve been asking myself all sorts, and it’s certainly dragging a whole variety of stuff out of me!

    1. ‘Artistic, physical and philosophical journeys through life’…quite like that Charlene, can I steal that for me blog header? 🙂

      I like your pseudo Zen, it makes perfect sense…and I need some sense at the moment. Thanks mate!

      1. Steal away. Just remember, when you are making your acceptance speech into Noor/Magnum/VII etc, to thank me audibly, and mention what a good bag carrier/scarf minder i’d make 😉

  2. Mate, you appear to be going through a self doubt time which we all go through and I struggle with it from time to time as well. You have a sensational skill set little buddy and your story telling is second to none.

    You continue to touch the hearts of many with your stories and photos and I would encourage you to continue on that path. Changes are part of life and there is nothing wrong with that, but always remember that all your fans here are to give you a big cuddle when you need it mate!

  3. Getting a bit deep and philosophical here Flemming, you could be trying to hard , just let it flow.

    Have a spoonfull of cement and harden up. 🙂 ( said in jest ).

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